Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hidden Figures, by Margot Lee Shetterly

What would you want to see happen to the characters after this book (or the last of the series) ends?

I would like to see the women in this book get both a promotion and a vacation because they worked so hard. Putting a man on the moon was a big step for mankind, so that should earn them significant advancement in their careers. Also, these four women need a vacation because they worked all hours of the day for years to prove their value and contribute to science and space travel. They did this despite the fact that they were living and working in a time when people were both racist and sexist. It was generally thought back then that black women couldn’t handle the complicated work of getting a man on the moon, or doing any type of work outside of housework. But the characters in this book proved those stereotypes wrong. So, in addition to being great at their jobs these women also changed the way people think and they deserve a lot of credit for that.


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