Hello readers!
I hope you've all been having a fantastic summer! As you may know, this is the last week of the Us Reading program. We will be closing the blog Friday evening, so get those final entries in now!
Thank you all for reading and posting this summer. It's been a blast seeing what everyone is reading.
Also, please join us at the MAIN LIBRARY next Thursday August 29th at 3:30pm for an ICE CREAM party! Thanks to a generous donation from JP Licks, we'll be able to have some sundaes, play some games, and announce our big raffle winners!
Hope to see you there!
Librarian Liz
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Friday, August 23, 2019
Payback on Poplar Lane by Margaret Mincks
Rachel Chambers is quiet and unnoticeable. But Rachel doesn't want to be that quiet girl in the corner anymore. So when she enters a contest to work as an intern for her next door neighbor and business entrepreneur, Peter Gronkowski. Rachel wins and she starts to work as a intern for Peter. But Peter treats her like she is not human. He does not even call her by her name. Will Rachel ever rebel? HINT: She does! -Penny |
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Paper Cowboy by Kristin Levine
The paper cowboy is set in the USA during the red scare.
Tommy likes teasing the kids at his school, but he does have a reason for being a bully. At home his abusive mother switches between moods. Sometimes she is kind and forgiving but sometimes she beats him. To make matters worse his sister, the one person who Tommy can rely on, is hospitalized when she gets badly burned. Tommy feels like it is his fault. To make up for it, he takes over her paper route. This becomes his chance to spy on his neighbors and try and figure out who received a communist paper. As fear of a communist takes hold over his neighborhood, Tommy tries to fix what he can fix in his life.
- Penny
Tommy likes teasing the kids at his school, but he does have a reason for being a bully. At home his abusive mother switches between moods. Sometimes she is kind and forgiving but sometimes she beats him. To make matters worse his sister, the one person who Tommy can rely on, is hospitalized when she gets badly burned. Tommy feels like it is his fault. To make up for it, he takes over her paper route. This becomes his chance to spy on his neighbors and try and figure out who received a communist paper. As fear of a communist takes hold over his neighborhood, Tommy tries to fix what he can fix in his life.
- Penny
The Parker Inheritance By Varian Johnson
Candice was expecting a boring summer in her grandmothers house in Landel, South Carolina. For one she's apart from her best friends in Atlanta. Worse, the only library in Landel is so far away from her house. But her horrable summer changes for the better when Candice finds an envelope scrawled with her grandmother's handwriting. "Find the path. Solve the puzzle." With these words Candice and her neighbor Brandon are swept into a hunt for treasure that goes deep into the past, in the Jim crow era.
- Penny
- Penny
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Uninvited by Tim Wynne-Jones
This book was really good. By looking at the cover (See image) or reading the back you may think that the book is going to be scary. But in reality it wasn't actually that scary. If I had to give it a genre I would say it was more of a thriller. I won't tell you much about the book but what I will say is the writing is really good its very descriptive and sort of reminds me of a Stephen King novel. The start may feel a little bit boring but as you keep reading, it just gets better and better and more and more intense as it goes on. Its worth it by the end and there's a lot of twists. if I had to give it a rating from 1 to 10 I would give it a 8.1
Highly recommended if you like thrillers/mysteries.
- Zephyr
Highly recommended if you like thrillers/mysteries.
- Zephyr
Grass for His Pillow by Lian Hearn
"The first book is always the best". I always agree with this statement except for a few exceptions, Grass for his Pillow is one of those exceptions. Its the second book in the Tales of Otori series and I think it was as good as the first or better. I think it was even more descriptive then the last. I wish I had read it in the winter because it takes place in the winter. In many parts of the book the characters are trying to get warm and I read that in a heat wave. Which was annoying because I wanted to be cold. I recommend the Tales of Otori series to anyone who liked the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" (but know one has seen that movie. probably... But if you haven't seen it I recommend it also its really good). The series is good for people of any age that is above 5th garde unless your really smart. I really liked this book and I cant wait to read the third!
- Zephyr
- Zephyr
Brilliance of the Moon by Lian Hearn
Aghhhhhh. These books just keep getting better and better how does Lian Hearn do this!?!?!? Just read the title and you can tell it's a good book, just look at the cover. Ok, this is the third book in the Tales of the Otori series and its amazing. I dont want to say anything aboit the book because I don't want to spoil it. But what I will say is that the characters are so good you just start to hang on to them. I give this book a 9 out of 10. I give the series a 9.99 out of ten.
- Zephyr
- Zephyr
In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
Ok so apparently this is a "adult" book but it could be young adult, its not that bad, its only a psychological thriller. Its not even horror its thriller and it's really really good. I read it over the course of 2 days and it was one of the best books I have read this summer. The suspense just keeps adding up and gets more and more intense until you realize what's happening and then you're like "whoa" "ohmygod "why?" "Huh". As a book review say "it keeps you guessing" and " it catches you off-guard". And it really does. I would recommend this to people who like books that are a little bit scary that make you think. It's also a mystery so if you like mysteries you might like this book. Here's a short summary: Nora goes to this hen do which is a Bachleroette party or whatever you you call it. It's for her friend Claire who she hasn't seen in like 10 years and it's in the middle of the woods and some stuff happens that's bad. And it cuts between her in hospital room trying to remember what happened at the hen do and then goes back to when she is at the hen do. So yea what happend? Anyways now I'm starting the Woman in Cabin 10 which is also by Ruth Ware and hopefully I will finish it in time to write about it.
Oh also they are in the process of making a movie about it and Reese Witherspoon is going to be in it. Also she said "Prepare to be scared ... Really scared!" She read it! So you should to! Or you don't have to if you dont want to, your choice.
- Zephyr
US, Reading is LIVE!
Happy Summer 2019! We hope your summer is off to an exciting start, and that you're already immersed in a good book. The blog is now live and accepting reviews, and we can't wait to see what you're reading! Each time you submit a review you will be entered into a weekly drawing for a Porter Square Books gift card. But that's not all! Each review will also be entered into a raffle for our GRAND PRIZES - a Kindle Fire or the audio listening pack.
Some important things to remember when submitting your review:
Some important things to remember when submitting your review:
- Make sure to enter at least one way to contact you (phone and/or e-mail address)
- Enter the grade that you will be entering IN THE FALL
- In addition to your book reviews, tell us how your summer is going in the "What Else is New" box on the form
As always, let your librarians know if you have any questions. Good luck and happy reading!
Monday, August 19, 2019
Space Case by Stuart Gibbs
Describe a part of the book that made you feel something strongly (i.e. something that made you cry, laugh, get really angry, etc.).
I felt completely scared to read the pages that came next after Dashiell figured out that there had been a murder, a planned murder. This all happened in space, which somehow scared me more. There was always a suspense of if there was going to be another murder, or if someone would figure out who killed the person who had just died, Dr. Holtz. Very creepy! |
Spaced Out by Stuart Gibbs
This book is about a boy named Dashiell, who learns that the base commander, Nina, disappears. The Moon Base Alpha is only so small, concluding to the fact that there is really nowhere to hide. Dashiell goes on another mystery to figure out where Nina is and uses all the clues he has, such as how Dashiell's little sister, Violet, hears something from underneath the bathrooms. Read to find out more! |
Firefly Code by Megan Frazer Blakemore
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
Mori and her friends end up in all sorts of adventures in Old Harmonie, a utopia world. It really is a small world until a new person comes into their town. All of them realize that there is more to just their tiny town. Mori and her friends venture out into an old house, once used by Mori's great-granddaughter. This is when all of the magic starts happening. This was not as great of a book as I thought it would have been, but I would still recommend it. Enjoy!
Mori and her friends end up in all sorts of adventures in Old Harmonie, a utopia world. It really is a small world until a new person comes into their town. All of them realize that there is more to just their tiny town. Mori and her friends venture out into an old house, once used by Mori's great-granddaughter. This is when all of the magic starts happening. This was not as great of a book as I thought it would have been, but I would still recommend it. Enjoy!
The Daybreak Bond by Megan Frazer Blakemore
The Daybreak Bond is about a girl named Mori who lives in a small town called Old Harmonie. Their town is a limited area, where they cannot go outside of it. Mori and her friends finally have enough of the rules and they escape their town to go on a quest. They go out to solve a mystery that was never solved in many years. This was an okay book that was not my favorite, but I loved how this story involved AI robots!
Belly Up by Stuart Gibbs
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
Yes! I would DEFINITELY recommend this book. I absolutely loved Belly Up. This book is about a boy named Teddy who currently lives in a zoo/theme park. A humongous hippo ends up dead, mysteriously. Teddy starts to investigate the crime seen finding some clues with the help of many of his friends. Will he be able to solve the mystery? Read this book if you like the other books of Stuart Gibbs or if you enjoy adventure involving many mysteries.
Yes! I would DEFINITELY recommend this book. I absolutely loved Belly Up. This book is about a boy named Teddy who currently lives in a zoo/theme park. A humongous hippo ends up dead, mysteriously. Teddy starts to investigate the crime seen finding some clues with the help of many of his friends. Will he be able to solve the mystery? Read this book if you like the other books of Stuart Gibbs or if you enjoy adventure involving many mysteries.
Poached by Stuart Gibbs
The koala who just recently arrived at Funjungle has disappeared. Teddy was in the same room as the koala, Kazoo, when the koala vanished. Teddy is suspected to be the one who kidnapped Kazoo, but he knows that he was framed. Teddy has to get himself out of this situation before he gets sent to juvenile hall. Teddy also has to deal with his school troubles as well, where he gets bullied. What will Teddy do? Enjoy this book!
Big Game by Stuart Gibbs
Big Game is about how Rhonda the Rhino goes missing and Teddy steps in to solve the case. Gun shots are being heard all around Funjungle, near where the rhinos live. The person causing all of this harm is suspected of going after Rhonda's horn, which is worth a lot. Teddy needs to come up with a solution fast! This book was an amazing book that I greatly enjoyed. Big Game is a great book for readers who are interested in endangered animals and action packed books.
Spy School British Invasion by Stuart Gibbs
Ben Ripley is about to go on another mission. This time, he travels to England, and he faces SPYDER... again. He needs to stop SPYDER with his friends and needs to end their evil plans forever. They deal with the leader of SPYDER, Mr. E and are faced with some of the toughest challenges yet where they need to make hard decisions. Read British Invasion for another mission! |
Specials by Scott Westerfeld
Describe a part of the book that made you feel something strongly (i.e. something that made you cry, laugh, get really angry, etc.). |
The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair by Amy Makechnie
Guinevere recently moved to a new town, which is where her adventures began. She meets two new people who become her two new best friends instantly. They all solve the mystery of her missing neighbor, but not only that, Guinevere meets other people who turn out to be not who she expected them to be. This was an okay book.
The Buccaneers' Code by Caroline Carlson
Hilary is dying to become a pirate, enough to run away from her dreadful school she was sent to by her parents. Her father does not agree with her becoming a pirate, but she still became a pirate anyway. She is enrolled in a pirate team where she fights off danger, going on many action packed adventures. This was not really a book that I enjoyed.
The Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates by Caroline Carlson
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
I would probably not recommend this book, as it was not what I expected it to be. I thought the book would be more adventurous with many adventures, but the plot was not that big or interesting and the adventure they went on was not interesting as well. I would rate this book 3 stars. |
Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
Yes, I would recommend this book. I liked how there were different sides to deal with, such as the pretties and the uglies, as well as friendship issues. This made the story much more interesting and fun to read. The main character, Tally, had to deal with how she was pretty, but how some of her friends were not. This book was action packed and amazing. I would probably rate Pretties 5 stars.
Yes, I would recommend this book. I liked how there were different sides to deal with, such as the pretties and the uglies, as well as friendship issues. This made the story much more interesting and fun to read. The main character, Tally, had to deal with how she was pretty, but how some of her friends were not. This book was action packed and amazing. I would probably rate Pretties 5 stars.
Empress of A Thousand Stars By Rhonda Belleza
You have no clue how hard it was to find a book that started with E that I also wanted to read. But here we are.
I liked this book well enough. I saw room for improvement in the storyline, but I liked the writing and the characters. There are also some things that I felt were not explained very well in the book (the science fiction aspect, where there is different technology and everyday customs). I may seem like I only have bad things to say about this book, but I did like the general plot and all the different character traits and problems. This book is also set in space which gives a great opportunity for people from different planets to interact (which is a bigger theme in the actual book). All around, I'ld say this was a good read, but just not the best fit for me.
- Emilia
I liked this book well enough. I saw room for improvement in the storyline, but I liked the writing and the characters. There are also some things that I felt were not explained very well in the book (the science fiction aspect, where there is different technology and everyday customs). I may seem like I only have bad things to say about this book, but I did like the general plot and all the different character traits and problems. This book is also set in space which gives a great opportunity for people from different planets to interact (which is a bigger theme in the actual book). All around, I'ld say this was a good read, but just not the best fit for me.
- Emilia
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Describe a part of the book that made you feel something strongly (i.e. something that made you cry, laugh, get really angry, etc.). |
Some of the things that made me feel emotional are the parts where they explain how Khalil and Natasha are killed. It really taught me about life in the projects. On a side note, Starr's life reminds me of Will's life in The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, because of how they both come from the hood, but they go to schools that are dominantly white and they sometimes feel like they have to code-switch. 5 Stars!! - Krissie |
Emma by Jane Austen
If you were written into this book, what would your role be, and why?
Emma is a book about a hilarious girl named Emma who enjoys meddling in other peoples affairs. she does not pay attention to her own affairs because she is so busy coupling other people.
If I were written into this novel I would want to be some one who does not get hurt in any way by Emma's meddling. I would want to be someone who wold give advice to the people who got hurt by Emma. But I would not want to give the kind of advise that Mr. Knightly gives to Emma, I would want the advice to be more like Ms. Weston's advice, kind and heartfelt. The only hard part in being a person who gives advice is if you are wrong in doing so.
- Penny
Emma is a book about a hilarious girl named Emma who enjoys meddling in other peoples affairs. she does not pay attention to her own affairs because she is so busy coupling other people.
If I were written into this novel I would want to be some one who does not get hurt in any way by Emma's meddling. I would want to be someone who wold give advice to the people who got hurt by Emma. But I would not want to give the kind of advise that Mr. Knightly gives to Emma, I would want the advice to be more like Ms. Weston's advice, kind and heartfelt. The only hard part in being a person who gives advice is if you are wrong in doing so.
- Penny
7th grade,
Birches School,
Summer Challenge Movie/TV
The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora by Pablo Cartaya
For as long as Arturo can remember his family has owned La Cocina de la Isla. His Mama, Papa, Abuela, Abuelo, TÃas, TÃos, Primos, primas, (well you get the idea) they all work or work at La Cocina. Mostly things are looking good for the restaurant. They plan to expand on to the lot next door soon to have more seating. The only damper on Arturo's life is his Abuela's failing health. One day his mother's goddaughter comes to spend the summer in Miami. Arturo starts feeling unexpected feelings for Carmen. But wait, Carmen's almost family! Even worse, a man wants to start building a giant luxury building. That sounds alright until Arturo releases this man wants to build on the property La Cocina is on!
Can Arturo save La Cocina, pronounce his love for Carmen, and make his Ableula proud? Find out in this tale about family, love and community.
- Penny
Can Arturo save La Cocina, pronounce his love for Carmen, and make his Ableula proud? Find out in this tale about family, love and community.
- Penny
Spy School Goes South by Stuart Gibbs
This book is about Ben Ripley, a spy in training, who goes on a mission to figure out where all of the SPYDER agents are located. Ben's nemesis, Murray Hill, who they just captured, decides that he will show where everyone is located. But, Murray tells them that he will only show Ben where until he and a friend of Ben's, Erica Hale, board the plane to the different locations. It turns out that this was all a trap and they have to work their way from the middle of Mexico to figure everything out. Will they succeed?
Spy School Secret Services by Stuart Gibbs
If you were written into this book, what would your role be, and why?
I would probably want to be a bystander, watching every part of the story happen. There are so many adventures that take place, including many weapons, so I would not want to be part of the scene, trying to control them. Of course, if you are a bystander, you will get to face the fact that there is an assassin out in the world, but I would know that the spy school always fixes the problems they face. |
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
The book, Uglies, is an amazing book filled with adventure, mysteries, and more. I would absolutely recommend this book, as it was a book I greatly enjoyed. In this dystonia book, there are different "sides", such as, the pretties and the uglies. Once you turned 16, you would have a huge surgery to transform your physical features. But the main character, Tally, and her friend, Shay, figure out that it is not just about your physical features. Your mentality changes as well. They, as uglies, do not want to become pretties. They escape their awful world in order not to become pretty and their adventure starts there... with one slight problem. Please read and find out more!
Inside Out And Back Again by Thanhha Lai
I have read this book in the past several times for school but it's been a while so I re-read it! I was also informed that I will have to read this again for 8th grade but it's a good book so I don't mind much.
I truly love this book because the poetry is simple but is also descriptive and has lots of depth. Even though this story is set in the 1970s, it is still very relevant today in terms of what the main characters family is escaping, the things they have to leave behind, and what they face when they get to a new country. It also has a sequel, but i have sadly not gotten around to reading it yet.
- Emilia
I truly love this book because the poetry is simple but is also descriptive and has lots of depth. Even though this story is set in the 1970s, it is still very relevant today in terms of what the main characters family is escaping, the things they have to leave behind, and what they face when they get to a new country. It also has a sequel, but i have sadly not gotten around to reading it yet.
- Emilia
Thursday, August 15, 2019
A Series of Unfortunate Events #1 by Lemony Snicket
Read a book made into a movie or TV show
A Series of Unfortunate
Events, book #1, is amazing. The author, Lemony Snicket adds so many peculiar
events and details that make the book so interesting. Once I started reading
this book I could not put it down. The story is about 3 siblings, Violet,
Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, who's parents have perished in a terrible fire.
They are sent to a distant relative named Count Olaf. There they are treated as
servants are forced to do labor intensive chores around the house, (like cook
dinner for Count Olaf's theater troop.) A Series of Unfortunate Events is a
strange and captivating book and YOU should read it.
P.S. After reading the book series you should also watch the TV show. :)
Me and Marvin Gardens, Amy Sarig King
Describe a part of the book that made you feel something strongly (i.e. something that made you cry, laugh, get really angry, etc.).
I felt the main conflict in this book strongly because I
could relate to it. This summer I visited Patten Maine where my
great-grandfather and great-grandmother grew up. It was a small farming and
lumber community with only 1,093 people in total. Everything looked open and
green and beautiful. I would feel depressed and angry if I returned there and
saw a Walmart and a bunch of condos instead of the green, sweeping land my
great-grandfather loved so much. My uncle told me that my great-grandfather had
to move to Worcester during the Depression to work and feed his kids. But he
rode on his scooter from Worcester every weekend for 7 or 8 hours to go back to
his farm and log cabin on Shin Pond because he loved it so much. If his
hometown was sold and developed into a commercial place, my great-grandfather
would have been heart-broken. If this happened, I would feel guilty about not
being able to protect my great-grandfather’s land kind of like Obe felt wanting
to protect Marvin because there was such a strong love there. I think Patten Maine
isn’t the only special place in the world, there are probably 1000s of other
amazing places in this world that mean something to people who lived there and
to their families. So, I can relate to Obe about losing his family’s land,
wanting to safeguard it, and wanting to shield Marvin from danger.
Boy 21, Matthew Quick
If you were written into this book, what would your role be, and why?
If I were a character in this book, I would be Finley. I can
relate to him because supports people in need and is a good friend. For
example, Finley helped his friend Erin when she was in the hospital. Finley
also helped Russ (Boy21) when he was going through a difficult time after
losing his parents. Finely loves playing basketball and I do too. Basketball
helps him escape and forget about all the hard things in his neighborhood like
drugs and gangs. Finley is a dedicated player, he always practices with Erin
after school and takes 100 free throws everyday to improve. I can relate to
this because I work hard to be a good athlete too. So, I would be inclined to
want to be Finley in this book.
What Else Is New
I knitted a scarf out of cut-up T-shirts, and I embroidered a underwater scene on my shirt!!! -Penelope |
Lost In The Sun by Lisa Graff
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
I would recommend this book, Lost In The Sun, to anyone who
likes a emotional story with interesting characters. This is the kind of book
that grabs you and forces you to finish it. Lost In The Sun is about a boy
named Trent, who is starting middle school. He is convinced that his entire
town hates him because of a event that unfolded during the winter, when his
badly shot puck hit Jared Richards, who had a heart defect, in the chest,
killing him. Trent blames himself entirely, and can't realize that what
happened that day on Cedar Lake could not have been his fault completely. Yes,
he was the one who shot the puck, but he had been asked to join the game
because his friend Noah had convinced another kid not to play. As Trent copes
with this, in addition to starting middle school, he deals with his dad and
stepmother, his mom, mean boys, lost friends, two brothers, and a eventual baby
sister, he meets a mysterious girl named Fallon Little, who has a scar across
her face, and who becomes Trent's best friend, and has a big secret. I really
like the metaphor the author used, lost in the sun, because in reflects who
Trent is. He and his mom love baseball, and one day, when they are watching,
they see a player try and fail to catch a easy ball. Trent, frustrated, asks
how that could have happened. His mom tells him, "It must have gotten lost
in the sun." This metaphor is present throughout the entire story, as
Trent learns that if the ball is lost in the sun, you can still catch it, even
if you have to shift your position to do so.
Good Morning,Gorillas
What books would you recommend to the main character of the book and why?
This book is about the gorillas and one day jack an annie went to mission and they stopped in the jungle , when they walked in the jungle they saw gorillas after they saw the gorillas , saw a little gorilla and they named her BU-BU. jack was practicing to be a gorilla after he practiced he was really thirsty HO-HO the mum gorilla came to jack and gave him some rainwater from a cubed plant . Jack was very thirsty. he sipped the water. It tasted fresh and cold.
This book is about the gorillas and one day jack an annie went to mission and they stopped in the jungle , when they walked in the jungle they saw gorillas after they saw the gorillas , saw a little gorilla and they named her BU-BU. jack was practicing to be a gorilla after he practiced he was really thirsty HO-HO the mum gorilla came to jack and gave him some rainwater from a cubed plant . Jack was very thirsty. he sipped the water. It tasted fresh and cold.
all the gorillas had five and made a love simbole. -Adonis |
Monday, August 12, 2019
Ban This Book By Alan Gratz
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good book. The main character loves books, and when her favorite book is banned from the library, she decides to retaliate. She creates a library in her locker, and lets her classmates borrow them. But when more books are being banned constantly, will she be able to speak up to save her books, librarian, and the freedom to read whatever she wants?
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good book. The main character loves books, and when her favorite book is banned from the library, she decides to retaliate. She creates a library in her locker, and lets her classmates borrow them. But when more books are being banned constantly, will she be able to speak up to save her books, librarian, and the freedom to read whatever she wants?
Ender’s game
If you were written into this book, what would your role be, and why?
If I was written into the book I don’t think I would be a big character. I don’t think I’d even be in the academy to fighter buggers or anything like that. I would just be that one person who supports people and give them advice on how to manage stuff.
If I was written into the book I don’t think I would be a big character. I don’t think I’d even be in the academy to fighter buggers or anything like that. I would just be that one person who supports people and give them advice on how to manage stuff.
Insignificant Events In The Life Of A Cactus by Dusti Bowling
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
I would recommend this book to everybody who likes a funny, interesting story with a main character that captures your interest and forces you to continue. I recommend it because it is extremely different from other books. This is because the main character, Aven, doesn't have any arms. She was born without them, before being adopted by her parents, but her friends at home in Kansas are used to it. They've known her all her life, after all. Sure, she gets stared at in public, but she knows that her friends and her community know her for more than her armlessness. But when her dad, a restaurant manager, gets a opportunity to run a dilapidated old theme park in Arizona, Aven finds herself uprooted from her familiar surroundings, to a place where she will make new friends Connor, and Zion, who both also feel isolated. Living in a theme park isn't as interesting as Aven thought, but when she and Connor discover a old, forgotten storage shed, things suddenly get more interesting-and there may be a mystery to solve that could explain something very important.
I would recommend this book to everybody who likes a funny, interesting story with a main character that captures your interest and forces you to continue. I recommend it because it is extremely different from other books. This is because the main character, Aven, doesn't have any arms. She was born without them, before being adopted by her parents, but her friends at home in Kansas are used to it. They've known her all her life, after all. Sure, she gets stared at in public, but she knows that her friends and her community know her for more than her armlessness. But when her dad, a restaurant manager, gets a opportunity to run a dilapidated old theme park in Arizona, Aven finds herself uprooted from her familiar surroundings, to a place where she will make new friends Connor, and Zion, who both also feel isolated. Living in a theme park isn't as interesting as Aven thought, but when she and Connor discover a old, forgotten storage shed, things suddenly get more interesting-and there may be a mystery to solve that could explain something very important.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Third Time’s the Charm!
Can you name the THIRD book in the series?
- Awkward, Brave…
- The Bad Guys, Mission Unpluckable…
- Belly Up, Poached...
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules...
- Divergent, Insurgent…
- The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers...
- Ghost, Patina…
- The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and
the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the…
- The Hunger Games, Catching Fire...
- Into the Wild, Fire and Ice...
- The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters…
- One Crazy Summer, P.S. Be Eleven…
- Space Case, Spaced Out...
- Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy, The Lost
A: Allegiant
B: The Amber Spyglass
C: Big Game
D: Crush
E: Forest of Secrets
F: The Furball Strikes Back
G: Gone Crazy in Alabama
H: The Hidden Kingdom
I: The Last Straw
J: Mockingjay
K: Prisoner of Azkaban
L: The Return of the King
M: Sunny
N: The Titan’s Curse
O: Waste of Space
-Librarian Christy
The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
Harry Potter is about a kid who lives with his aunt and uncle. his uncle and aunt didn't treat him like a human but one day he got a message from a magic school and he got a chance to make friends and to live his life happily ever after.
-8th grade
-8th grade
The Rise Of Wolves, Kerr Thomson
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not?
I would highly recommend this book. It is about a boy called Innis, who lives with his grandfather on the Isle of Nin, A small island off of Scotland. When Innis does a mysterious wolf, find a a stone saying something about a jump, Plus the new plan of windmills on the beloved moor, Innis had to do something. With his best friend and worst enemy, can Innis figure out why there are wolves on the Isle of Nin when they went extinct ages ago, What this mysterious rock means and try to stop the windmills from getting put on the moor? Read this book tho find out. -Isla |
The Tunnels Below, Nadine Wild-Palmer
Would this book make a good movie? Why or why not? If yes, who should play the lead? |
The Tunnels below is filled with detail. Details that make you imagine exactly what every scene looks like and what every character feels like, In a way that no movie could ever replicate. Movies often cut parts of the book out of the movie because the movie would be too long otherwise. They also add parts to the movie that are not in the book and can change the main plot greatly. I think that if the book were to be made a s a moxie, both the movie being cut shorter and having unnecessary parts added would ruin it. Overall, I think that this book would not make a good movie.
Isla - ![]() |
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner
Would you recommend this book? If so, who would you recommend it to, and why? If not, why not? |
In this book, the main character, AJ, is going into middle school and he feels like he's the only kid who isn't tall yet, and also the only kid who didn't do anything fun over the summer. So he decides to go after his crush, Nia, who happens to have an obsession with vampires. When he finds out that she likes vampires so much, he tries to look and act like a vampire, only to find out that Nia is a vampire slayer.
6th grade,
Book recommendations,
Graphic Novel,
Monday, August 5, 2019
Hello us, readers!
I hope everyone is having an awesome summer! There are 2 1/2 more weeks to blog about books you are reading. Your librarians enjoy reading your reviews!
I want to share a few books that will be coming out over the next few months! Don't forget to reserve your copy!
-Librarian Carol
Guts by Raina Telgemeier (September 17)
Big Nate 21: Hug It Out by Lincoln Peirce (September 3)
Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages by Trenton Lee Stewart (September 24)
Dork Diaries 14: Tales from a Not-So-Best Friend Forever by Rachel Renee Russell (October 22)
Wrecking Ball (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14) by Jeff Kinney (November 5)
I want to share a few books that will be coming out over the next few months! Don't forget to reserve your copy!
-Librarian Carol
Guts by Raina Telgemeier (September 17)
Big Nate 21: Hug It Out by Lincoln Peirce (September 3)
Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages by Trenton Lee Stewart (September 24)
Dork Diaries 14: Tales from a Not-So-Best Friend Forever by Rachel Renee Russell (October 22)
Wrecking Ball (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14) by Jeff Kinney (November 5)
Pegasus by Kate O'hearn
This book is about a girl named Emily living a normal life until a crazy lighting storm happened which changed her life forever. Now she must team up with Joel, Diana, Pegasus and Paelen to save the to save earth and the other dimensions. Will she be able to do it.
The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas
Read a book made into a movie or TV show
A part of the book, The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas, that made me feel something strongly was when the main character, Star, used her voice to fight back against the injustice her friend endured when he was shot and killed by a police officer. This was moving because the crowd and people beyond that crowd listen to her message about her friend’s life. The media had been talking all about how he died and the trouble he may have gotten in with drugs and gangs, but Star was able to tell people about how he lived and show people he was more than his mistakes and how he died. This is important because it’s easy to judge people without knowing them and we shouldn’t do that. It was emotional when she was able to stick up for her friend when he couldn’t be there to do it himself and make people see who he really was.
Angels and Demons By Dan Brown
Read a book made into a movie or TV show
This is a prequel to the DaVinci Code (which I also read), and equally exciting. Personally, I prefer this book to the other two (Inferno is the third book), because of its more active pace.
In this book the protagonist, Robert Langdon, is called to the Vatican the night that a new Pope is to be elected. Someone identifying with the secret society known as the Illuminati had kidnapped the four favorite cardinals and was holding them hostage to kill one each hour. Langdon is joined by Vittoria Vetra, a scientist looking for a deadly particle called anti-matter that was contained in her lab at CERN until someone stole it, killing her father in the process. The result is a hunt across Rome and the Vatican to find the four cardinals and the anti-matter before the anti-matter blows up Rome and everyone in it, as well as trying not to get killed themselves
What Else is New
I love the beach.
Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice By: Phillip Hoose
If you could ask the author/illustrator of this book one question, what would it be, and why?
I would ask Phillip Hoose, author of Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice if he would do the same thing Claudette did if he was black and was the same age as Claudette. On March 2nd, 1955 Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat to a white woman, the law at that time, which led to her being dragged out of the bus by police and arrested. Claudette was taken to court where she was found guilty on all of her three charges. After an appeal, the judge dropped two of three charges but kept the charge of Claudette physically assaulting a police officer, something that she denied. Nine months later, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus which sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After many weeks of boycotting buses, Claudette and four other plaintiffs testified that the system of busing was unconstitutional in the case Browder vs. Gayle. I wonder if Phillip Hoose, in Claudette's identity and time period, would refuse to give up his seat to a white woman. It is interesting to hear people's perspectives if they were put in other people's shoes. I enjoyed reading this book and hope that our society can continue to fight for racial justice.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Tuck everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
Of you like stories about elixirs and adventure with a bit of kidnapping than this is the book for you. It all starts with Winnie a girl who is frustrated with her family and decides to run away. She goes into the woods and follows a road all the way to a big tree where a fountain is there and next to it a boy a little older that her. He just finished drinking from the fountain when he noticed Winnie watching him. They talk a little and Winnie learns that his name is Jesse Tuck. When Winnie decided that she was thirsty and she went to go drink from the fountain Jesse stopped her with some excuses and then she is kid tapped by the rest of the tuck family and they tell her that the water from the spring makes you immortal
Raymie nightingale by kate dicamillo
I was really interested in this book and really liked how the story was laid out. One of my favorite characters was Louisiana. Her parents where circus people but they died when their ship sank. Louisiana now lives with her grandmother but a person is trying to put her in a orphanage or something of the sort. She also has a cat names Archie who you will find out about if you read the book.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Hey us, readers!
Do you all know about the Cambridge Summer Food Program? There is free lunch (and sometimes dinner!) all over the city for kids, and this year you can get lunch right here at the Central Square Branch Library every day between 11:30 and 12:30. Come have a sandwich and read a book!
P.S. Somehow this didn't make the flyer, but if you go to one of the fab free Screen on the Green events, they will be serving dinner right before the movies from 6:45-7:30.
Bon appetit!
-Librarian Jamie
Do you all know about the Cambridge Summer Food Program? There is free lunch (and sometimes dinner!) all over the city for kids, and this year you can get lunch right here at the Central Square Branch Library every day between 11:30 and 12:30. Come have a sandwich and read a book!
P.S. Somehow this didn't make the flyer, but if you go to one of the fab free Screen on the Green events, they will be serving dinner right before the movies from 6:45-7:30.
Bon appetit!
-Librarian Jamie
The Swap by Megan Shull
Ellie and Jack, the two main characters of the book, have difficulty dealing with their own situations. For example, Ellie is dealing with her (ex) best friend, Sassy. Sassy randomly started teasing Ellie and started making rude remarks about her for no reason at all. On top of that, Sassy also ignores Ellie and started hanging out with the popular kids. Ellie struggles to find a way to resolve her problems and cannot stand up for herself. Jack is having trouble at school as well as at home. They magically swap places, literally, when they both wish that they could swap places. Now, they have to deal with the each other's issues! What will happen now? This book is thrilling and exciting and I enjoyed it.
-7th grade
-7th grade
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